a restaurant COALITION with a vision for a regenerative, SUSTAINABLE and EQUITABLE food service INDUSTRY

ReHire with Resilience Payroll & Wage Calculator


OUR members & ALLIEs

CONTACT OR Join resilient restaurants

ABOUT Resilient restaurants

We are a business community for food service industry best practices in sustainability and social equity. We’re a peer-driven resource working group, and we are the coalition of Colorado’s most values-driven restaurants and dining establishments.

We engage stakeholders throughout the food service ecosystem and serve our members by delivering measurable outcomes through advocacy, educational programs and experiences that inspire where it is needed most. Our sustainable restaurant group in Colorado facilitates real, long-term and systemic change towards a resilient, equitable and healthy food service industry.

At Good Business Colorado, we have built a thriving community of business leaders committed to elevating the standards and practices within the food service industry. From leading the way on more sustainable models of food service, to ingraining the need for social equity within the day-to-day operations of our communities, we are a robust coalition of Colorado’s most values-driven restaurants and dining establishments.
Together, we have collaborated alongside stakeholders throughout the food service ecosystem to uplift the standards of advocacy, education programs, and experiences to inspire those who need it most. Our sustainable restaurant group in Colorado is here to deliver meaningful change and drive our resilient restaurants toward a more ethical and equitable tomorrow.





Our free membership gives you access to a statewide peer working group of mission-driven dining establishments that believe we can make our industry profitable for everyone and take care of the planet and each other at the same time.

Explore business case studies, workshops and webinars that demonstrate the economic benefits of better compensation plans, zero waste practices and localizing your supplier network.

Businesses enrolled in our free membership have access to a statewide ecosystem of like-minded establishments, all driven by the same core belief that we can be of genuine service to our planet and communities without sacrificing our bottom line. 

See how you can improve your practices through a suite of case studies, workshops, and webinars designed to illustrate the lasting rewards of better compensation plans, zero waste practices, and localized supplier networks. We support Colorado resilient restaurants and businesses statewide with our membership



Our sustainable restaurant group in Colorado is assembling the best resources for our members to address our throw away culture, our serious food waste problem, water conservation, energy and operational efficiency and strengthening our local food value chain.

Participation is free and voluntary. When funding allows, we offer a Quick Start subsidy program that will assist your investment in starting a composting program or whatever actions are best for your business.

We have gathered a variety of cutting-edge resources for the members of our sustainable restaurant group in Colorado to lead the charge to confront issues related to throw-away culture, our serious food waste problem, water conservation, energy and operational efficiency, and the strengthening of our local food value chain. 

Per funding allotments, we also offer a Quick Start subsidy program to help you make sustainable investments in your business, such as launching a composting program. Participation is free and voluntary. Contact our team today to learn more about our sustainable restaurant group for Colorado business owners.


Social EQUITY in our workforce

Our business models must include policies and procedures to ensure that we are developing our workforce into a diverse, inclusive and equitable community of professional, well-trained and supported employees.

Our resources include social equity toolkits, webinars and access to local and national organizations that spearhead this work.

On top of increasing awareness for the material needs of our environment, our business models also champion forward-thinking policies and procedures to improve the diversity, inclusivity, and equitability of our workforce. From social equity toolkits to webinars and conversations among local and national labor leaders, we offer you all the resources needed to modernize your business practices.


Resilient Restaurants 2021 Programs


Rehire with resilience program

We are getting people back to work and using this opportunity to advance the transformation of pre-pandemic workplace paradigms, food service wage models and the service industry culture.

How do restaurants offer an employment opportunity that recruits full-time hospitality professionals and provides stabilized earnings and a safe, equitable work culture for employees to return to with confidence? Adapting our wage models and redesigning the relationship between culinary and hospitality staff is our targeted approach to welcoming in a new era of service professionals.


Earth Day Summit 2021

Please enjoy these videos, and share our efforts to demonstrate what our industry is capable of.

Opening Talk

Zero Waste Food Service Packaging

Zero Waste Food & Composting

Member Farms and Gardens & Kitchen Demo

Climate Action & Local Ag for Restaurants

Water & Energy Conservation


Food Packaging in Colorado

Did you know Good Business Colorado has a Plastics and Packaging Task Force?

Resilient Restaurants in Colorado was instrumental in advocating for and passing HB21-1162 which bans the use of polystyrene in all food service statewide starting in 2024.

You can review our legislative priorities HERE.


Resilient Restaurants currently offers free mental wellness sessions to our community workforce! In partnership with Khesed Wellness, each participant will be able to receive two professional out-patient therapy sessions, and an opportunity to continue working with Khesed.

This benefit is offered to everyone equally but funding is limited so it’s a first-come, first-served sign-up process.


Family Friendly Workplaces

We be hosting a webinar addressing the family needs of our employees. Single parenting, family related scheduling requests, and child care needs increasingly represent challenges and opportunities for our workforce and employers to work together to solve our problems.


diversity, equity & inclusion training

All Resilient Restaurants members can receive a DE&I intensive workshop and ongoing education. By late July or August 2021 we will be offering this program. Stay tuned for more details or contact us to be included.

Right now we have an opportunity to consider thoughtfully how we design our businesses and related  community programs. Here, we explore the new paradigm that embraces a spirit of intense local collaboration, that uses creativity to solve problems and advances what used to be normal to something that is more equitable, more sustainable, more profitable . . . more resilient.