and how to engage your community through sustainable business practices


Resilient Restaurants Sustainable dining program

We are collaborating with each other and with a network of organizational allies to assemble a comprehensive resource library that contains case studies, white papers, POS graphics, staff and customer training materials and whatever else we can procure that documents best practices applied in the real world and the connection between sustainable food service, social equity in our workplace and profitable operations.


improve your foodprint, footprint & cash flow

Resilient Restaurants is on a mission to significantly reduce food wastes going to landfill, capturing tens-of-thousands of pounds of organic waste from our membership each year. We will encourage washing reusables in dining service and decrease the use of plastic disposables. There’s access to compostable gloves, a patented water-saving device used when thawing frozen foods, support with your local sustainable business program and local supplier networks.



Opening Talk


Zero Waste Food Service Packaging


Zero Waste Food & Composting


Member Farms and Gardens & Kitchen Demo


Climate Action & Local Ag for Restaurants


Water & Energy Conservation



no more FOOD WASTE

In Colorado, we have an increasing ability to develop a circular system to interconnect our local agricultural products and byproducts with the products and byproducts of our food service businesses.

RESOURCES: Colorado Composting Partners, ReFED outreach content,


Plant-based containers & COMPOSTABLE GLOVES

Compostable food service gloves are a great start to minimizing your throw-away plastic consumption. Food and drink containers are made now from plants and their role in your business should be considered.

RESOURCES: Food packaging suppliers


ZERO FOODPRINT 1% for Carbon Farming

Scientific models predict that we can remove billions of tons of carbon from the atmosphere and store that carbon as healthy soil on farms and ranches. ZeroFoodprint.org employs a Table-to-Farm approach that helps the food system rapidly transition to regenerative practices. We are partners in launching their new statewide program, Restore Colorado.


water conservation

Water plays a very important role in food service and customer service. Let’s explore the back-of-house and table service best practices for significantly reducing the amount of water you pour down the drain.

RESOURCES: Boss Defrost, Tips

energy efficiency

Let’s talk about reducing your energy bill through these energy efficient actions you can implement with and without guidance from local professionals.

RESOURCES: PACE, GreenBiztracker



Plastic score dining app

PlasticScore is a crowdsourced zero packaging waste rating for restaurants. We fund plastic waste offsets for every review, and use the data to help create a world free of plastic pollution!

Visit the Website www.plasticscore.co


MAXIMIZe REUSABLES, eliminate plastics

Disposable food and beverage packaging makes up 67% of litter in commercial streets and needlessly fills up trash cans and landfills throughout our country. We just need a simple behavioral shift to sweep through our culture.

RESOURCES: Reusable Foodware Buying Guide, Case Studies, POS Graphics


dinnerware lending program

LOCAL FIRST will be managing Resilient Restaurants’ first community wide dinnerware lending program. We’ve sponsored Durango’s Eat Local Month by providing washable/reusable takeout containers for appetizers, entrees and desserts. After this event, Local First will manage the containers so other groups and events throughout the year can make use of them as well.

Join the Local First team as we kick off Eat Local Month 2020 and talk to Robert from Resilient Restaurants and Hannah from Table to Farm Compost about how t...