Resilent - About Us

our mission

Accelerating the resilience of Colorado’s food service industry while improving the standards and performance of our restaurants and the lives of our employees and everyone in our food ecosystem.

organizational objectives

Business model & case study analysis that offers restaurateurs immediate options for taking action.

Implementing workforce best practices in Colorado; living wages, better benefits, racial equity, gender equity and respect. Leadership skills training to foster a skilled, stable, reliable, & professional workforce.

Provide resources for achieving zero waste, water conservation, oil handling, efficiency & pathways to carbon neutrality.

our food ecosystem vision

To build a community resource and industry working group that engages members throughout the food service ecosystem, delivers measurable outcomes that achieve our mission, and informs consumers to where we have facilitated real, long-term and systemic change towards a resilient, equitable and healthy food service industry.




RESILIENT RESTAURANTS of Colorado started as a joint project of Good Business Colorado and RAISE in May 2020. Our initial funding is provided by the denver foundation through our parent organization, Good business colorado.

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Good Business Colorado is a grassroots organization of values-driven business owners rejecting partisanship and advocating for a prosperous economy, equitable communities, and a sustainable environment. Our members believe that business success cannot be measured by profit alone and that true success means that our planet, communities, and bottom lines are all thriving. is a national advocacy group that stands for social equity and employee protections in our industry. RAISE has been instrumental at uplifting worker conditions in a growing number of states. Your support now will make an immediate difference in your own business and lay the groundwork for legislation to be introduced in colorado to accomplish our mission.


Resilient’s Restaurants Media & Press Kit


Press Kit

Our Launch Press Release June 3rd, 2020

Food Service Industry Survey June 2020 Graphics

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