May Good Business Colorado Scoop
We're in the final sprint of the 2024 Colorado Legislative session, which ends next week! See the below policy section to learn more about how YOU can help get GBC's top policy priorities across the finish line.
May is also Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! Click here for a list of events around Colorado. If you are part of the community and a GBC member and you do NOT get an email from Odette on MONDAY inviting your business to be spotlighted in an upcoming GBC newsletter, it means we do NOT have your proper demographic information. So please contact Odette to be included in our AAPI GBC member shout-outs!
Speaking of demographic information, at our upcoming May 18th Awards Celebration: Cultivating Success, our Demographics Task Force will be sharing their work and action plan for ensuring we are using the demographic information we collect to recruit and elevate members that bring a wide range of identities to the community, without tokenizing them.
At the 2024 GBC Awards Celebration, we will also be piloting a Member Showcase to highlight the incredible things our members are working on. We're looking for 4-6 businesses interested in participating. Each business will have 1/2 of a table to share your work, pass out swag or literature about your services, and connect with event attendees. You are also welcome to bring product to sell. If you're interested in participating, please register for the event if you haven't already and then fill out our member showcase interest form. You will hear from our team no later than the Monday prior to the event regarding whether or not you've been selected to join this year's pilot program.
We also wanted to do a last call for proposals to offer catering services for the May 18th GBC Awards Celebration at CrossPurpose (3050 Richard Allen CT. Denver, CO 80205),If you are available and interested in catering, we would love for you to throw your hat in the ring by sending Debra an email with a menu with pricing, or a per person cost or minimum spend for 100 - 200 people by Monday, close of business.
Read on for details on the family-friendly, not to be missed awards event, an introduction to our newest mebers information on new funding and support resources, and more!
Welcome New Members!

Thank You for Renewing Your GBC Membership!
Bodhi Bridge
Bossed Up
Champion Charter Bus Denver
Fuel & Iron Realty
Hunger Free Colorado
Intentional Communications
Journey Employer Solutions
New Motion Wellness
Partners in Business Excellence LLC
Pote Law Firm
TruBlu Images
Wana Brands
Wise Choice Tattoo Removal
Woody's Wood Fired Pizza
ACTION ALERTS! It's almost over...
Just 5 DAYS LEFT to take action to make your values real in the world AND earn prizes!
The 2024 legislative session ends on May 9th, and so does the Policy Passport game. Next week we'll roll out the prizes page and if you are playing you can "spend" your points on the cool stuff we have assembled :). We may be reaching out to you several times as our bills head into the home stretch and we do all we can to leverage last minute opportunities to get them across the finish line.
Here's ACTION you can take right now to earn points and make a difference:
HEALTHCARE: Send an email to your State Senator in support of a bill to Analyze Universal Healthcare Payment Plan | FACT SHEET (5 Policy Passport points)
AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Send an email to your State Senator in support of the Transit Oriented Communities bill | FACT SHEET (5 Policy Passport points)
CLIMATE: Sign on to our letter of support for a bill to minimize and the impacts of pollution from oil and gas | FACT SHEET (1 Policy Passport point)
To wrap up the 2024 Colorado State Legislative Session we are doing a fun, fast, fulfilling webinar to hear from GBC and RMMFI community members about their empowering experiences of engaging on legislation. Get the updates you need to know on bills that will impact you and your business, in an engaging format with time for a conversation about how it went and how you think we can do better!
Members in the News
Nude Food Market - Best in Boulder 2024 - Best Women Owned and Best Independent
YellowDog Denver’s premier design, print and marketing studio, just wrapped up
their first-ever period supply drive, collecting more than 3,500 donations.
You'll find the details of our upcoming events below, and you can view detailed event information on the GBC website.
What: Grant VEST Info Webinar
When: Monday, May 6th from 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Where: Sign me up for the GrantVEST webinar!
What: GBC & RMMFI 2024 Legislative Stories and Successes Event
When: Tuesday, May 14th 2024, 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Where: Online via zoom
What: GBC Awards Celebration: Cultivating Success
When: Saturday, May 18th from 5:30 - 8:30 PM
Where: CrossPurpose (3050 Richard Allen Ct. Denver, CO 80205)
The Good Business Colorado Awards Celebration harnesses the unique spirit and mission of the organization, distinguished by its extraordinary members. This event is far more than a fundraiser; it is a vibrant gathering for the GBC community, offering a space to honor and rejoice in our collective achievements. The GBC Awards Celebration embodies our commitment to empowering our values-driven business members to engage in impactful advocacy work and providing educational programming to support our members on their journey to being even better.
I can't wait to attend the 2024 GBC Awards Celebration!
What: 2024 Northeast CO Entrepreneur Pitchfest Finals
When: Thursday, May 23rd, 10:30 - 1:30 PM MST
Where: Hays Student Center, 721 Landrum Lane Sterling, CO
I will join GBC at the NECO Pitch Competition!
What: March for Childcare
When: Saturday, May 18th from 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Where: Roosevelt Park 700 Longs Peak Ave, Longmont, CO
I'll join GBC at the March for Childcare!
What: Good Business Colorado Community Building @ Frame de Art
When: Thursday, May 30th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Where: Frame de Art (3065 S. Broadway, Englewood, CO 80113)
Sign me up for this FREE community building event!
What: Electric Avenue – Bar Bite Battle
When: Saturday Jun 8th 2024 from 3:00 - 6:00 PM
Where: Stanley Marketplace (2501 Dallas St, Aurora, CO 80010)
Sign me up for this FREE Electric Avenue Kickoff Event
You'll find the details of our upcoming events below, and you can view detailed event information on the GBC website.
What: Grant VEST Info Webinar
When: Monday, May 6th from 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Where: Sign me up for the GrantVEST webinar!
What: GBC & RMMFI 2024 Legislative Stories and Successes Event
When: Tuesday, May 14th 2024, 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Where: Online via zoom
🏆What: GBC Awards Celebration: Cultivating Success
When: Saturday, May 18th from 5:30 - 8:30 PM
Where: CrossPurpose (3050 Richard Allen Ct. Denver, CO 80205)
The Good Business Colorado Awards Celebration harnesses the unique spirit and mission of the organization, distinguished by its extraordinary members. This event is far more than a fundraiser; it is a vibrant gathering for the GBC community, offering a space to honor and rejoice in our collective achievements. The GBC Awards Celebration embodies our commitment to empowering our values-driven business members to engage in impactful advocacy work and providing educational programming to support our members on their journey to being even better.
I can't wait to attend the 2024 GBC Awards Celebration!
What: 2024 Northeast CO Entrepreneur Pitchfest Finals
When: Thursday, May 23rd, 10:30 - 1:30 PM MST
Where: Hays Student Center, 721 Landrum Lane Sterling, CO
I will join GBC at the NECO Pitch Competition!
What: March for Childcare
When: Saturday, May 18th from 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Where: Roosevelt Park 700 Longs Peak Ave, Longmont, CO
I'll join GBC at the March for Childcare!
What: Good Business Colorado Community Building @ Frame de Art
When: Thursday, May 30th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Where: Frame de Art (3065 S. Broadway, Englewood, CO 80113)
Sign me up for this FREE community building event!
What: Electric Avenue – Bar Bite Battle🍻
When: Saturday Jun 8th 2024 from 3:00 - 6:00 PM
Where: Stanley Marketplace (2501 Dallas St, Aurora, CO 80010)
Sign me up for this FREE Electric Avenue Kickoff Event
June 15th - Family Friendly Environmental Stewardship event with OneCanopy
Friday, July 5th - Electric Avenue – Christmas in July
Saturday, July 20th - Electric Avenue - Pueblo Plate-up
Wednesday, August 7th - GBC + Latino Chamber of Commerce of Pueblo Coffee Break
Monday August 19th - Friday 23rd - West Slope Startup Week in Durango
📆Member & Community Events📆
What: Navigating the Small Business Retirement Plan Landscape for Colorado Business Owners presented by the State of Colorado and Shelton Capital
When: Tuesday, May 7th, 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Where: Online - register here!
What: Rocky Mountain NEWH Neurodiversity Presentation Thinking Differently - A Conversation Around Neurodiversity and Cultural Identity
When: Thursday, May 9th, 4PM - 6PM MST
Where: Elements, 2501 Blake St., Denver CO
What: Lighthouse Collaborative Event - Fundraising Strategy Workshop
When: May 15th, 8:30 am - 12:00 PM
Where: 1196 South Broadway Denver, CO
What: Garden Place Academy Spring Carnival
When: May 16h, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Where: 4425 Lincoln St. Denver, CO
Free Entry! There will be games, food, music and more!
What: CrossPurpose, a nonprofit institution committed to navigating Leaders (participants in our programs) from generational poverty to generational wealth, is scaling across the Denver Metro area and we want to invite you to be a part of our CP family!
Invitations to engage:
Wednesday, May 15th SM GRaduation event
Volunteer at Mock Interviews on May 8th
Attend NM's 1st Graduation on July 10th!
What: NOCO Biz Connect FREE Water Business Solutions Workshop
When: May 29th, 8:30AM - 10AM MDT
Where: 700Wood Street Fort Collins
Learn what water efficiency resources and incentives are available to your business, and share your thoughts about conservation programs. Spanish interpretation available.
What: Impact Sustainability Fellowship
Partner with CSU’s Impact MBA program to host Corporate Sustainability Fellows at your business! Every summer, Impact MBA and dual degree Impact MBA/Masters of Finance students work to identify, analyze, and address sustainability issues within the
public and private sectors. I want to learn more!!
What: Lyme Awareness Month
When: Month of May
Where: Soul Tribe Yoga - online/in person
All activities are welcome to patients with Lyme and other tick-borne diseases
🌎 What: Ponte las Pilas" (Plug it In) Roadshow Fort Collins
When: June 2nd, 2 PM - 4 PM
Where: Fort Collins Senior Center
Click here to learn more and register for an event near you!
What: Hike to End Hunger
When: June 8, 2024
The Hike to End Hunger is Hunger Free Colorado’s most anticipated annual event, inviting
participants across Colorado to hike in solidarity to spread awareness about hunger in our state while raising funds to ensure every Coloradan has access to nutritious, culturally appropriate food. Learn more here!
✔️Colorado's Top 100 Woman-Owned Business
Deadline May 8th, 2024
For more than a decade, ColoradoBiz has celebrated the essentiality of women in Colorado’s business landscape with our Top 100 Woman-owned Companies list.
✔️Colorado's Best readers' choice nominations
Deadline May 15th, 2024
✔️ColoradoBiz Top Company Awards
Deadline June 2nd, 2024
💚Community and Partner Resources💚
💻The Office of the Future of Work (OFW) is excited to share that they have 35 Digital Navigators! These wonderful individuals are helping the community with affordable home internet service, low or no cost devices, and foundational digital skills. Click here to view the list of the Digital Navigators in your area.
🍎 DEADLINE May 9, 2024 - EforAll Summer 2024 Accelerator Program
The Accelerator is a free, one-year program offered twice a year in EforAll communities. It provides immersive business training, mentorship and access to an extended professional network. Anyone with a dream to start or grow a business is encouraged to apply here.
💔 Griefhab has support groups on EVERY holiday Including Mother’s Day. Don’t go through difficult days alone. Join others who understand!! for info/links to join
💲Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center (RMEOC) - Social Coop Academy
A series of weekly sessions learning about examples of social coops to understand their impact on the care economy. Register here.
🏫 DPS Seeks Partner Orgs for Summer Internships
Denver Public Schools is looking for organizations in Metro Denver to host high school students this summer through the district's Launch Internship Program! The session runs June 10 - July 19, with students working 110 hours over the six weeks. DPS Launch interns can support your team with business operations, digital marketing, IT/Tech support and more. DPS staff will assist intern supervisors with program planning and intern selection, as well as continue to support the student/organization matches during the term. Learn more.
🎒 Legal Clinic Workshop Series - Starting May 11, 2024
The African Chamber of Commerce is collaborating with the Community Economic Development Clinic at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law to host the first of their Legal Clinic Workshop series. This workshop series aims to empower and equip entrepreneurs with essential legal knowledge to propel the trajectory of your businesses. Learn more.
💯QucikBooks training for business owners!
5/4/2024 - 6/22/2024, Every Saturday 11:30-1:00
The African Chamber of Commerce
Sign up for our 8-week training class to help small business owners take control of their bookkeeping needs using QuickBooks Online. The class will have 1.5 hours of live sessions, which include a lecture and a one-on-one section to ensure the active engagement of all participants. Additionally, the instructor will provide weekly video supplements.
Click Here to Sign Up Today.
💟 Free webinar! Stress Mastery: Insights and Strategies. Start by taking a free assessment and get a link to the webinar with your stress results
🌱 The Community Impact Fund Are you seeking a value-driven way to enhance your employee benefits offerings and/or take a more innovative approach to your community impact while serving your bottom line financially? Learn more by visiting The Community Impact Fund and click here to schedule a discovery call with Courtney Lussenhop, Director of Impact.
❔Are you interested in making Neurodiversity a key part of your business planning?
At DIRT, we're all about helping businesses like yours grow by embracing new ideas. We offer custom support to make your workplace more inclusive, from one-on-one coaching, lunch & learns, and to help with planning accessibility and accommodations in your hiring and retention. Get Started with DIRT!"
✔️Over the past year, Colorado has experienced an increase in new arrivals. Colorado currently has 2 job openings for every 1 unemployed person. These new arrivals are beginning to receive their Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) and are really wanting to get to work. Employers are legally able to permanently hire individuals who are authorized to work by the federal government and are in need of talent. Click here to learn more
👨🏫Workplace support - ELL: free workforce-specific English language classes for working people in Colorado. Click here to learn more!
Arboretum Coffee is excited to explore potential business partnerships with members of Good Business Colorado! There are many ways we can partner where your business can play a pivotal role in supporting Arboretum Coffee's mission to empower refugees and immigrants through meaningful job-training and social integration. Your company could collaborate through small, creative fundraising events or activities, contribute through sponsorship of our community events, engage in awareness campaigns that highlight the importance of community support for our mission, offer professional services like marketing and SEO services, or engage in shared revenue initiatives, where a portion of your sales is donated to support our cause. In addition, opportunity is through joining our Business Leader Committee to help steer these efforts. Your partnership not only supports Arboretum Coffee but increases brand visibility and aligns your brand with impactful, socially responsible initiatives. Email if you're interested in exploring partnerships together. Together, we can cultivate a thriving, inclusive community.
💲Funding Opportunities💲
💸DEADLINE FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2024 - $5,000 Grant
CEDS Finance Small Business Grant Program - Grants of $5,000 will be awarded to underserved small businesses based on the eligibility criteria, with a priority on low-income status. Applications will then be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis until all grant funds are disbursed. Apply now
🤑2024 Equity Funding is now OPEN!
We are now taking applications for this year’s Equity Funding. Women- and minority-owned small businesses can get up to $10,000 for projects. These projects should have the goal of reducing waste, energy, or water use in their operations. Learn more!
💸WBLI Employer Program Businesses can get up to $10,000 through Work-Based
Learning Incentive Program. Program runs through May 2024. For more information click here.
💲2024 WomensNet's Grants (6 types - 1 application!) - $10,000 winner each month✨
🤑Building Electrification Rebates The city has multiple rebates to help those considering building electrification.
💰Reuse Denver Incentives for Retail Food Establishments
If your application is accepted, you will receive support from the Reuse Denver program partner, Diversion Designers, and up to $600 worth of reusable food service ware (i.e., bowls, cups, and plates).
💸Energize Colorado has opened applications for their Energize Community Program, which includes funding and education statewide. Learn more and apply here.
💸Prairie Rose Development is the only organization in CO that offers 0% interest loans to entrepreneurs looking to grow their business. Learn more here.
💲Charitable Impact Loans Offered in partnership with The Community Impact Fund, these 0% interest, non-credit bearing loans with flexible payback terms are focused on those facing unexpected financial hardship or high-interest debt.
If you appreciate the policy work we do to level the playing field for values-driven business owners, or the events we host to build the GBC community and support our members on their journeys to running even better businesses, please consider making a financial investment in our work today!