Call or Email Legislators: SB21-200


Help pass Climate Action/Environmental Justice Bill SB21-200!

Climate Bill SB21-200 to Reduce Greenhouse Gases and Increase Environmental Justice would codify the reduction targets laid out in the Polis Administration’s GHG Pollution Reduction Roadmap. If we don't hold ourselves accountable to measurable outcomes, we won't hit our targets. It's that simple. The bill passed out of the Energy and Environment and Finance Committees and will now move on to the Appropriations Committee.

Can you please call or email these key Senators ASAP and ask them to support Senate Bill 21-200?

A quick call is most impactful, but sending an email will certainly help too! Here is some sample text to get you started, or click on the email links above to autogenerate a message for you to personalize:

Dear Senator [NAME OF SENATOR],

My name is [YOUR NAME], owner/ceo of [YOUR BUSINESS NAME]. I am also a constituent asking you to support SB21-200 to address climate change.

Climate change impacts me and my business. [SHARE WHY IN YOUR OWN WORDS].

We must pass SB21-200 to codify the reduction targets laid out in the Polis Administration’s GHG Pollution Reduction Roadmap. If we don't hold ourselves accountable to measurable outcomes, we won't hit our targets. It's that simple.

Please vote YES on SB21-200 to Reduce Greenhouse Gases and Increase Environmental Justice.


Please let us know if you are able to reach out to these Senators via individual calls or emails or a single email to all Senators on the list.

Thank You!