2021 Air Pollution and GHG Reduction Bills


SB21-200 Reduce Greenhouse Gases Increase Environmental Justice


This bill is one step toward attaining the GHG reduction targets set forth in HB 19-1261. This bill codifies the reduction targets laid out in the Polis Administration’s GHG Pollution Reduction Roadmap in order to hold ourselves accountable to measurable outcomes. It consolidates numerous current and future electric utility led initiatives, and gives utilities the opportunity to share their successes with their customers by submitting a uniform responsible energy plan. The bill bolsters the authority invested in our Air Quality Control Commission to consider the social cost of carbon and realign air pollution fees to address internationally recognized greenhouse gases. It also establishes a target for AQCC to complete the necessary rulemaking to make certain ample time is available for the implementation phase. Additionally the bill creates a permanent voice and advisory committee for Environmental Justice within CDPHE to begin establishing trust within disproportionately impacted communities while creating consistent communication to meaningfully involve these communities in decision making. 

Bill Status

HB21-1189 Regulate Air Toxics


This bill would increase fence line and community based monitoring, as well as reporting, for Benzene, Hydrogen cyanide, and Hydrogen sulfide at the following four facilities: Suncor (Commerce City), Phillips 66 Terminal (Commerce City), Sinclair Terminal (Henderson) and Goodrich Carbon (Pueblo). It would increase the responsibility of these four facilities to deliver pertinent air toxins data in a timely and relevant manner to protect the health of their neighboring communities. GBC members prioritized “holding polluters accountable” in the 2021 Member Policy Survey and GBC supported a similar issue last year. Accordingly, we have taken a support position.

Bill Status

HB21-1034 Consumer Right To Use Natural Gas Or Propane

GBC Position: OPPOSE

This bill would have prohibited local communities from banning or limiting installation of natural gas appliances such as stoves and furnaces. It was essentially aimed at protecting the oil and gas industry as communities consider moving to electric as an alternative to fossil fuel for these needs. It died in committee.

Bill Status

Bill Text